Why Brainstorming Is the Next Best Thing

Regular brainstorming sessions help

It’s Monday morning and you get up from your bed, then you get ready for the day ahead. Once you’re on your way you text your friend, check your Facebook feed or send a message to your mum that everything’s just fine, wishing her a great week. You work the whole day and maybe get to chat a bit during lunch, then you come home and you chat a bit again. That kind of communication is on loop day in and day out.

Sounds familiar? We hope not, but it’s highly likely it does. We, LifeViewers believe that’s not the way it was intended for humans to communicate.


Brainstorming is crucial for generating new ideas

Schedule weekly catch-ups

If you can, factor in some time for brainstorming on a regular basis. It’s one of the best ways to spend time with others too and be with them in that moment, even if it’s a half an hour or an hour a week. Call instead of a text if you can, be there physically if it’s possible for you. Weekly or even monthly catch-ups can be so much more valuable than a multitude of short messages in messaging apps.

The way to get good ideas is to get lots of ideas, and throw the bad ones away. – Linus Pauling


Video was out on 5th of December 2016

Planning your day is extremely important to have a good time. We found that by having regular catch-up sessions with lots of brainstorming improved our connection to one another. Spending time with others in a similar fashion, made the time spent much more fulfilling and productive.

So, watch this video if you would like to know more about what exactly we are talking about, and hopefully, we can get you inspired to talk a little more, and text less.