Take What You Already Have and Start Now

Start now - start with what you already have - don't wait until tomorrow

You heard right – start now!

You might ask, should I? Should I really start now? And if I do, am I ready to do it?

It is always exciting to start something new – be it learning a skill, starting a hobby or even changing jobs. Heck, imagine the courage required to start your own business or decide to travel the world for a few years. Regardless of the size of our dreams and journeys we want to take, we always seem to find at least one reason to postpone them until later. The sad thing is, sometimes that “later” never comes.

We, LifeViewers are here to emphasise that it’s imperative that you start now – not on Monday, next month or after the New Year.

Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will. – Suzy Kassem


Doubt of failure isn’t failure

One of the most common excuses for postponing our dreams is the fear of failure. By daring to believe in our dreams, we set expectations and we fear that if we try it and are not successful, we would fail and all of it would be just wasted time and efforts.

The truth is, there is no better way to spend your time than chasing your dreams and keeping your soul happy. Most of our dreams are about improving the quality of our lives, so why would we ever postpone it and not put it a priority? No matter the circumstances.


Video published on 7th of November 2016

So, have recently felt that you’re not ready to take on that next thing in your life or feel that you might be missing something, e.g. resources, a particular skill, experience or confidence?

If so, we urge you to start with what you already have, start now – at all costs! Watch our video to find out why we encourage ourselves and others to do so.