You’re Already a Millionaire: Live Like One!

Millionaire lifestyle

Millionaire lifestyles are alluring

Have you ever wanted to be a millionaire? Then you must have thought that a lot of money will solve most if not all of your problems. Maybe you even took the time to daydream of all the activities you could do, if only you had a bigger bank account?

Well, we have to be honest – we can’t deny that we didn’t think the same way – we’re still thinking like that. It’s partly due to the fact that we weren’t born into money and have been thought to always earn our own and to save as much as we can. But, we also happen to know something important. We are a lot richer than we think we are, and there is a way to live an amazing life, without those seven-digit numbers in your bank account.

People don’t want to be millionaires – they want to live the lifestyle they THINK only millions can buy. – Tim Ferriss

This quote by the productivity guru and entrepreneur, Tim Ferriss explains the millionaire issue perfectly. What people really want, is the lifestyle, not the money. So why do we run after numbers so vigorously? Isn’t it time to focus on the bit that’s important and improve our lifestyles instead? Besides, with lots of money, comes a lot of responsibility, usually long hours and pushing yourself too hard.


Video came out on 14th of November 2016

First point made, then – people want to live like kings and queens but they end up chasing money instead, thinking they want to be millionaires. Want to learn more about how to make a change and how we, LifeViewers are trying to shift our focus? Then watch the video below & feel free to subscribe to our YouTube channel to see more of our videos.