Our First Christmas Dinner

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It’s that special time of the year again

Once the madness of the Christmas shopping season goes, we can finally settle in a bit. Right after though, we begin to prepare for one of the biggest (arguably, also most important) meals of the year. Of course, we are talking about the Christmas dinner.

Now, as exciting it is to gather around a big table and share a great meal with your family or friends, it is pretty stressful to prepare one. With all the traditions, snacks, first, second and main meals, not to mention the desserts – it’s easy for it to get too much too soon.

That’s where the true challenge lies – to see past the distractions and the muchness of it, and instead focus on having a great time.

Cooking an amazing Christmas dinner: challenge accepted.


Yes, you too can make a Christmas dinner

Love goes through the stomach and family time is quality time. So, why not make a change this year and do all the cooking yourself, rather than allowing your mum to do it all or even worse – order it in?

Who knows – maybe you even have a hidden talent for cooking and it turns out much better than you expected. We, LifeViewers love making a great meal and enjoy this special occasion even more so. Therefore, we thought it would only seem right to share that bit of love and adventurous spirit with you!


Super special video came out on 19th December

We looked into a variety of Christmas foods so that we could prepare one for you (and ourselves). After some thought and a focus on keeping things simple, we ended up with four lovely dishes. The star of our evening was the roasted Rib of Beef with roasted sweet potatoes and traditional grey peas on the side. For desert, we made a Linzer Torte which is the oldest cake (tart) in the cooking book!