Behind the Scenes with Our Creators

Behind the scenes with the creators of LifeViewers

It’s time to reflect

By now you probably know that LifeViewers is run by two young adults – Oskar & Veronika. You might also know about the aim of their project which is to capture various life experiences, be it daily activities, products or travels. But you will most likely not know what the creators have to say about the project!

Just in case you aren’t exactly sure what we are talking about here, you might want to have a look at our first video. It explains our tagline and the reasoning behind it.


Behind the scenes with LifeViewers

For this video, we wanted to add another layer of honesty and realness, so we decided to take you behind the scenes and show you how things are going so far.

See, nearer to the time of publishing this video, five weeks will have already passed since the very first one. It might not seem like a long time to some. But the amount of prep that went into creating this site and perfecting all angles of our project has proven otherwise.

In this video, we invite our audience to get up and close with LifeViewers, getting you much closer than our Instagram or Twitter feed.


Video came out on 12th December

Tune into our YouTube channel on 12th of December to see the behind the scenes action with Oskar and Veronika. In the video, we will walk you through the seven things we have learnt as YouTube beginners about filming, editing and promoting our videos!

Hope you have been enjoying our content so far! Stay awesome.